Workshops on the Waterfront | Sustainable Coastlines

Event Details

Oct 2013

Sustainable Coastlines and Waterfront Auckland proudly present Workshops on the Waterfront. These free workshops are aimed at five to twelve year olds and their parents, offering fun learning experiences delivered through practical workshops. The activities always commence with educational presentations and then proceed to instructive demonstrations that teach hands-on skills for creating useful products out of waste items. Examples are shown to motivate children to come up with their own ideas for putting the value back into otherwise-discarded objects. All project materials and tools are supplied.

Upcoming workshops

Workshops will run for around an hour with two sessions available as part of the Sustainable Business Network’s Sustainable City Showcase on Saturday 19 October. Workshops will run from 10.30am to 11.30am and 2.30pm to 3.30pm, with both sessions focusing on our ‘Plastic Mosaics’ workshops (see detail below).

The workshops are run from the Sustainable Coastlines Education Station, our modified shipping container that serves as a mobile classroom, which will be situated alongside The Cloud on Queens Wharf, Auckland CBD. Simply turn-up at the workshop session that suits you best and you’re ready to go!

Workshop details

We run three different educational workshops, all delivered from the Sustainable Coastlines Education Station on site.

Plastic Mosaics

Creating colourful artworks from waste. Participants will be guided in the construction of a marine animal from brightly coloured rubbish collected during coastal clean-ups, either on a pre designed ‘flat’ template, or a three dimensional mini sculpture to take home. Creative input will be encouraged, so children can make whatever they choose and share ideas with peers.


Making planters and planting seedlings. Participants will be guided in the construction of a planter from materials that would otherwise be entering the waste stream. Participants can choose to make a half-bottle herb planter or a hanging bird feeder from old plastic bottles which they can take home. Other projects will be encouraged and discussed.

Investigating Electronics

Disassembling and investigating electronics. Participants will explore different forms of waste from products they use, and understand them through ‘dissection’ of a mobile phone. Discussion will focus on the effects electronic materials have on ecological and human health and explain the responsible and safe way to dispose of E-waste. Participants will also make a small take-home artwork.

Find out more

For any questions or further detail, contact our Project Manager Chris Cochrane on [email protected] or 027 469 7080, or call our office on 09 948 8454.